

This dll contains custom WPF controls for Data visualization. This dll may be implemented in kaiDevUtl.WPF in future.
public class DataAnalyzer
A chart that can display multiple pens whit different X and Y axis.
public Brush ChartBackgroundBrush


Color of char background.
public FreezableCollection<GraphScale> XScales


Collection of X axis scales.
public FreezableCollection<GraphScale> YScales


Collection of Y axis scales.
Grid lines
public Brush HorizontalGridLinesBrush


Color of horizontal grid lines.
public double HorizontalGridLinesWidth


Width of horizontal grid lines.
public Graphing.Ticks HorizontalGridLinesTick


Number of ticks to display for horizontal grid lines.
public DoubleCollection HorizontalGridLinesDashArray


Dash array for horizontal grid lines.
public Brush VerticalGridLinesBrush


Color of vertical grid lines.
public double VerticalGridLinesWidth


Width of vertical grid lines.
public Graphing.Ticks VerticalGridLinesTick


Number of ticks to display for vertical grid lines.
public DoubleCollection VerticalGridLinesDashArray


Dash array for vertical grid lines.
Chart border
public Thickness ChartBorderThikness


Thikness of chart border.
public Brush ChartBorderBrush


Color of chart border.
public DoubleCollection ChartBorderDashArray


Dash array for chart border.
public class GraphScale
Describes a scale for the DataAnalyser calss.
public bool IsPrimarySide


If scale should bee shown on primary side of chart (Bottom for horizontal scale and Left for vertical scale).
public double Minimum


Minimum value for scale.
public double Maximum


Maximum value for scale.
public string Name


Name of the scale.
public double ScaleSpan


Distance between minimum and maximum.
public Brush BackLineBrush


Color of backline.
public double BackLineThikness


Thickness of backline.
public DoubleCollection BackLineDashArray


Dasharrya for backline.
Major ticks
public Ticks MajorTickFrequenzy


Distance (value) between major ticks.
public Brush MajorTicksBrush


Color of major tick lines.
public double MajorTicksThikness


Thickness of major tick lines.
public DoubleCollection MajorTicksDashArray


Dasharray for major tick lines.
Minor ticks
public Ticks MinorTickFrequency


Distance (value) between minor ticks.
public Brush MinorTicksBrush


Color of minor tick lines.
public double MinorTicksThikness


Thickness of minor tick lines.
public DoubleCollection MinorTicksDashArray


Dasharray for minor tick lines.
public class GraphScaleCollection
Collection of scales.
public int Count
Gets the number of scales in the collection.
public bool IsReadOnly
Gets if the collection is read-only. This collection type is not read-only.
public bool IsSynchronized
Gets if the collection has been synchronized.
public object SyncRoot
Gets an object used to synchronize the collection.
public GraphScale this[int index]
Gets a scale by index.
public GraphScale this[string scaleName]
Gets a scale by name.
public void Add(GraphScale item)
Adds an item to the collection.
public void CopyTo(GraphScale[] array, int arrayIndex)
Copies the colloection into an array.
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
Gets enumerator for the collection.
public int IndexOf(string scaleName)
Returnes the zero-based index of the named scale.
public void Clear()
Clears the collection.
public bool Contains(GraphScale item)
Test whether the collection contains an item.
public bool Remove(GraphScale item)
Removes an item from the collection.
public class Graphing.Ticks
Defines number of ticks on an axis.
public double Value
Number of ticks.
public bool IsAuto
If number of ticks should be automatically calculated.
public static Ticks Parse(string str)
Parses a sting into a Ticks calss, use "auto" to enable automatic calculation.
public class Imaging.PixelMap
A pixel editable pixle map.
public PixleMap(int Width, int Height, double dpiX, double dpiY)
Creates a pixle map of a defined size.
public void WritePixel(int X, int Y, Color color)
Writes a RGB color to a pixel in the pixel map.
WritePixel(int X, int Y, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
Writes a RGB color to a pixel in the pixel map.
public void WriteHorizontalLine(int X, int Y, int L, Color color)
Write a horizontal line.
public void WriteHorizontalLine(int X, int Y, int L, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
Write a horizontal line.
public void WriteVerticalLine(int X, int Y, int L, Color color)
Write a vertical line.
public void WriteVerticalLine(int X, int Y, int L, byte r, byte g, byte b, byte a)
Write a vertical line.
public WriteableBitmap GetBitmap()
Get the bitmap from the pixelmap.